To Become Earth
Looking Out of Human Eyes

with Julie McIntyre

Offered in May, 2022
Alternate: One on one mentoring available.  If interested contact Julie at

For: Men, Women,  Artists, Philosophers

To be nobody-but-yourself in a world which is doing its best, night
and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle
which any human being can fight and never stop fighting.

— e.e. Cummings

It is something ancient as Gaia, as rooted as a Redwood forest, as interconnected as the neural networks of plants hidden by cover of soil, as invisible as feeling that is taking place when a person feels called to a particular work.

It is a sacred and deeply personal thing to be called. To hear and to answer the call requires a level of personal responsibility few in our modern world are willing to pursue.

It is a struggle to self-hood each of us will engage in in order to reinhabit the Self. This is most challenging in times of escalating chaos when there is increasing pressure to join in mob thinking and behavior. Or to default to archaic scripts. It is these times that the call is strongest from Deep Earth to step away from the fray of human over-excitation to find the internal navigation skills, reserves of personal resources and the voice that is uniquely and authentically yours. First, is the return to inhabiting your animal senses and the most precious and potent of all; the feeling sense; to re-awaken your heart to the touch of Earth upon you and in that moment you become no one but yourself, the one you were meant to be all along, to become Earth looking out of human eyes.

The river of your life has been waiting and only you can build the vessel that is seaworthy.

Jullie McIntyre

Cost: Watch for cost: includes lodging, meals and teaching (travel not included). Non-refundable deposit.

Location: The Gila National Forest, Southwest New Mexico

Space is very limited to a small, intimate group
Registration materials will be sent after deposit is paid

Elements of the work:

  • Deep ecology of the self
  • Reinhabiting your interbeing with the circle of
    all life
  • Sacred Plant medicine; ceremony
  • the Spirits of Place;
  • invisibles, acuity of perception.