Teaching - Deep Ecology


An intimate experiential depth immersion of unusual dimensions
Gila Wilderness, Southwest New Mexico

for Men and Women, Healers, Artists, Herbalists, Philosophers, Ecologists, those with an unnamed hunger and those who have felt out of place

Once, a long time ago, ancient and indigenous cultures knew they lived among non-human and invisible beings. They knew they shared the Earth together, living side by side.  Everything was sacred, alive, intelligent, and aware. There was no divide between human bodies, human consciousness, and the body and consciousness of Earth.  Plants, trees, stones and the elements were part of daily relationships for food, medicine and wisdom. They were revered as having soul and intelligence. It was understood that non-human beings had the capacity to feel and communicate. Living with the awareness of wild intelligence was part of the moral fabric of indigenous cultures.

We each have our unique True North, the place  we are going to. However there are times when our compass becomes a bit rusty and confused,  the needle frenetically pointing hither and tither. Often from too many outside influences. Now and then, here and there we must step away from the world of humans and find other members of our tribe who remind us how to set our compass true.

Many of us have been on an auto pilot of sorts, in survival, fumbling along in the dark hoping all will turn out well enough. Possibly, we have felt something missing and that our lives have only been half-lived. We often wander through life, cutting and pasting remnants together hoping to gather enough pieces that resembles a whole life. Still feeling as if something of great import is missing. Many of us feel there is something wrong with us.

Sometimes when we least expect it, in our daily lives and perhaps, more commonly in times of chaos and uncertainty, we are called to bring forth that which awaits us inside – our unique genius. This weekend is focused on reclaiming the ability to be fully alive, to be filled with meaning and purpose, and deeply connect to the invisibles with which we are surrounded.

The plants, stones, wild water and the Spirit of Place of the Gila National Forest and Wilderness will companion us, guide us, in parting the veil between the mundane and the imaginal realms. True North is not a destination but rather a way to journey. It is a mythic adventure, an experience of becoming a human being. Dynamic awareness, depth perception, sensory acuity, natural philosophy and the skill to read the energy of a “thing” are our inborn faculties that become atrophied in the mundane life. Here they will be taken out, stretched, worked with and breathed to life. To assist in deepening our experience on the path ahead and the one that lies often unseen under our feet we will also work deeply with Kinesthetics, myth, alchemy, ceremony and ritual.

The revelation of True North is an adventure of soul and spirit. It is a  quest that takes us through dark forests, over rivers, up mountains and across moats. It is a messy business, disorienting at the start and requires a different kind of thinking, feeling  and sensuality. Finding our personal True North is a remembering of ourselves to ourselves. There is a mighty cost to the journey ahead, should you choose to no longer ignore the call; your innate smell will become undomesticated, feral, a fierce green fire will glow in the place of your eyes.  Those who look upon you  thereafter will know you have eaten something wild and gamey they have not. You become unrefined, uncivilized. Risky business that.  There comes a time when not taking the risk comes with a much greater price.

Working with Deep Ecology of Gaia and our own deep ecology; new patterns of living an inhabited, authentic life are created. We will work directly with the intelligence of plants and wild ecosystems, and with ceremony, to heal the bonds that have been severed as well as create new ones.

Location: private land in Gila National Forest of Southwest New Mexico.
Lodging: camping; indoors on a first come basis or on the land.
Enrollment is limited.

Arriving from another state or country, you can fly into Albuquerque, NM then take a shuttle into Silver City (Grant County airport). Average driving distances from airports to Silver City, add 1 to 2 hours driving time from these airports to the program site.

Tucson, AZ – 3.5 hours
El Paso, TX- 3 hours and there is ground shuttle service or car rental.
Albuquerque, NM – 4 hours
Santa Fe, NM – 5 hours
Phoenix, AZ – 5 hours

Enrollment packet and a list of motels, transportation, airports and campgrounds will be sent upon receipt of the non-refundable deposit.